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Hot Wheels RLC Exclusive Elite 64 Freightliner Cascadia

Transporter Madrina


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When the Freightliner® Cascadia® hit the scene, it hauled in a range of aerodynamic, lightweight and maintenance-reducing innovations for the trucking industry. A brand-new form factor for the highly detailed Elite 64 series, our version features a detachable, double-decker trailer, working ramp, molded grille, and mirrors, all riding on 16 Real Rider tires. Plus, up to six 1:64 scale die-cast vehicles* can hitch a ride on this rig.   

  • Hot Wheels® Elite 64™ Freightliner® Cascadia® 
  • Features: Detachable trailer with two levels can hold up to six 1:64 vehicles*  
  • Body Color: Matte black trailer with metallic silver movable fold-down ramp 
  • Body Type: ZAMAC   
  • Wheels: Bespoke Real Riders  
  • Base: Full-metal chassis  
  • Window Color: Light smoke-tinted  
  • Interior Color: Black with red accents 
  • Scale: 1:64  

Packaged in a full color closed box with protective foam insert. 

*Cars showcased on the trailer are NOT included.

Some Hot Wheels Elite 64 vehicles may not be compatible.  

Items and dates subject to change. Production items may vary from the photos shown. Mattel reserves the right to modify the color, decorations, scale, body, and wheel type. Product subject to availability. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel.

Freightliner, emblems, logos, and body designs are trademarks of Daimler Truck North America LLC and are used under license by Mattel, Inc.


Fecha de envío: los envíos ya comenzaron.



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* La fecha estimada de envío puede cambiar sin previo aviso.


Hot Wheels RLC Exclusive Elite 64 Freightliner Cascadia Transporter Madrina

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